Saturday, November 12, 2016

The law about using Portfolios to answer: "Are you proficient?"

Let's start with the law in Maine

Then let's look at Rhode Island

Graduation requirements are set at a level to provide students the skills and knowledge to successfully enter and complete a rigorous post-secondary academic or technical program, join the military, and/or obtain a job that leads to a rewarding and viable career. The RI Board of Regents through the Secondary Regulations set the minimum requirements for earning a RI high school diploma including:
  • Demonstrated proficiency in 6 core areas (English Language Arts, math, science, social studies, the Arts and technology)
  • Successful completion of 20 courses (at a minimum)
  • Completion of 2 performance assessments (exhibitions, portfolios and/or comprehensive course assessments)
Districts may include additional expectations or requirements such as additional coursework requirements, a level of proficiency on the state assessments or community service learning.

What should we call the Act?

The bill might be called "An Act to Allow students to graduate by showing proficiency with a portfolio."

Districts are required to communicate specific graduation expectations to families and students prior to the start of the ninth grade.

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