Students are encouraged to add any other materials that will help them to review and document the important content for the unit such as:
*Vocabulary flashcards - embedded from Quizlet usually
*Videos from YouTube or other sources for tutorials on major content
*Notes from class or outlines from text (doc or take picture of handwritten notes)
*Pictures of posters, graphic organizers, or other visuals from class
*Online games for review and mastery of anatomy terminology
To help reinforce the importance of the portfolio, I count it as a test grade for the quarter and also grade their assignments directly from their site. When students are ready to submit it for grading, I have them enter their site URL into a form with a brief comment about what has been added that they would like me to focus on. Feel free to take a look at my form here.
As the year has progressed, I have learned several important points for success:
*Help students see usefulness of portfolio by using it in class and for review
*Grade submitted work from the portfolio to reinforce its use
*Use peer review to help students get ideas from others on how it can be set up
I have also made some mistakes that I have made changes to or will change for next year:
*Give students time periodically during the quarter to work on the portfolio during class
*Periodically check on portfolios so students do not save work until the last minute
*Periodically check on portfolios so students do not save work until the last minute
*Post a running list of items that students must include and should include
*Create a full working sample for students to see